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Alberto Levi

The emotion I feel in observing a heroic vineyard tells me about my life and my experiences, it makes me aware of the work difficult to do every day and the commitment taken with pride to represent it.

Alberto Levi born in 1978 lives and works in Aosta Valley.
Born professionally as a farmer and winemaker in Tenerife, in the Canary Islands and in the following years develops a great passion for wine and its communication and for technical tasting.
In 2009 he became a sommelier, then completing the course in 2010 as a speaker and in 2014 with a specialized master in Rome. In 2011 he won the regional competition "Best sommelier Valle D'Aosta" and undertook an experience in national competitions until 2013. Since then he has been involved in communication and teaching around Italy and is currently AIS President in the Aosta Valley as well as Cervim Ambassador in the world.